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Vintage Tapestry "Made in Belgium"

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    Posted 5 years ago

    (222 items)

    I found this beautiful tapestry folded, in a box of antique items in the garage of some very old men who's family sold their house with all contents included in the sale.
    This tapestry appears to be hand made vintage and still in fair condition but I did find a couple of them just like it for sale on the internet.
    It measures 19" x 36". and I have included a close up photo of the front stitching hoping that it might help to date it or to determine if it was hand or machine made.
    I finally located a stamp on the reverse "Made in Belgium"

    Mystery Solved
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    1. Mrstyndall Mrstyndall, 5 years ago
      Very pretty tapestry!
    2. Golgatha Golgatha, 5 years ago
      They make replicas of old Flemish tapestries in Belgium. Confusing that most of the persons are in Rococo dresses, whereas the guy to the right seems to come straight out of Renaissance.
    3. Mags3, 5 years ago
      I own the same tapestry. You only have a portion of it here. It is longer to the left with additional scenes. Per the previous comments, Flemish is 90 percent of the Belgian population so they are one and the same. Also, this is the scene of a party. When you see the scene it is obvious that the entertainment is dressed in the older period costume than the guests. The tapestry was a gift to me 24 years ago, so I don’t know what it cost. But, I do own another Similar one that is more faded that was purchased from an antique dealer about 27 years ago for $100. There are similar ones online at galleries for $225-$325. They were loom made in the early 1900s.

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