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Rookwood Pottery

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Art Deco Pottery18 of 43Holland Mania From Hungary Ceramic Deco? Small Wall Plate MarkedAntique German Blue & White Porcelain Tile Cheese Board/Wall Hanging
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    Posted 5 years ago

    (5 items)

    2562 XXIV
    Small Rookwood pottery vase/urn with unknown mark.
    Trying to figure out who the artist is.

    Mystery Solved
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    1. artfoot artfoot, 5 years ago
      Is that mark under the glaze?
    2. benate benate, 5 years ago
      It's the dark blue mark on the right side that looks like initials.
    3. artfoot artfoot, 5 years ago
      Yes - the impressed mark shows that this is Rookwood production pottery (castware) vase #2562 made in 1926. This type of Rookwood production is not typically signed with an artist's mark (the reason I ask if it is under the glaze). A reasonably comprehensive list of marks used by Rookwood employed artists and designers is published in "Kovel's American Art Pottery" - this mark is not shown.
    4. artfoot artfoot, 5 years ago
      Excuse me - 1924.
    5. art.pottery, 5 years ago
      It’s the artist mark of Catherine Pissaroff Covalenco.
    6. art.pottery, 5 years ago
      When you search, Use Catherine Covalenco - omit the maiden name for a lot more results.
    7. artfoot artfoot, 5 years ago
      Could be - thanks art.pottery - good decipher.
    8. benate benate, 5 years ago
      Yes! Looked it up and found vases with the same pattern. I could not decipher the signature because I was looking at it the wrong way, now it all makes senses. Thank you art.pottery!

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