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1962 Goetz Country Club Beer masonite sign

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Rattletrap's loves195 of 874They might be coming again 1948 !MY DAY-AFTERNOON and NIGHT JOB ( A few!! years ago)
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    Posted 5 years ago

    (230 items)

    Hi collector friends, thought I would share this beer sign with all you Beer collectors, and sign collectors. I picked it up at a yard sale last weekend cheap. Looks like this sign came out in 1962 right after Goetz brewing Co. became a Div. of Pearl brewing Co. of Texas. Goetz Brewing co. had Plants in St. Joseph Mo. and then in Kansas City before it closed and production shifted to Pearl brewing in Texas. Country Club is still brewed today by Pabst brewing. can't say I ever had a Country Club beer but I have the sign. Have fun collecting!

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    1. Rattletrap Rattletrap, 5 years ago
      I’m not a Beer drinker, but seem to remember that when I was a kid a few friends who drank Beer referred to Country Club as “Malt Liquor” and that it was somehow “stronger”, or more intoxicating than normal Beer of the day? Not sure what any of that really means nor if it was true. Just a hazy memory of the olden days
    2. Rattletrap Rattletrap, 5 years ago
      I checked and my memory was correct, even tho I’m not sure what the difference actually is. I also remember the big factory in downtown LA just off the freeway that produced it.

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