Posted 5 years ago
(1207 items)
This ring holder is 3.5" high and about 2.25" in diameter. It was made by Charles or Phillip Gibson between 1983 and 2006. Most Gibson glass has the word "GIBSON" and a date on the bottom, but unfortunately the bottom on this one is malformed and it is only possible to make out the "GIBSON" but not the date.
I was actually looking through one of my china cabinets for some Japanese writing paper that I picked up in the 70s in Japan, and spotted it, but it is too far back in the cabinet to reach. I noticed this ring holder though and was surprised to see one of my service rings sitting on it. I thought that was in my safe! I think that Japanese writing paper is something special as it came in a small, but brightly colored folder with some special compartments inside. I think the whole shebang is made of rice paper, very fine and very thin sheets for writing and a substantial folder for storing it in. I have a couple of these and just never got around to using them. Not sure that I have the stamina to excavate them from my cabinet, though.
That’s beautiful, and especially so with your ring on it!
@Watchsearcher - Thanks for your comment! It is almost too pretty and fragile to use. If I used it every day, it would have been broken long ago.
Thanks for loving my Gibson glass!
Thank you Broochman!
Thank you foseatme!
Nicest ring holder I have seen.
Your cabinet sound both intriguing and exciting, but may also be a bit scary if you can't get to the back! :)
Thanks for your comment, racer4four! Definitely scary to think that someday I am going to have to deal with all of the stuff in my china cabinets when I move or downsize.
Thanks Vynil33rpm and Collectables59!
Thank you valentino97!
Thanks SEAN68!
Thank you Alan2310!