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Sessions small mantle clock

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    Posted 5 years ago

    (68 items)

    I have not seen a model of clock from sessions like this one anywhere. I would like to know it’s value and possibly when it was made. It works fine and Is an old family heirloom. It had a fishing bob pendulum before it was repaired. All the labeling and brass work is new/ restored.

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    1. LaurenRedmond LaurenRedmond, 5 years ago
      Could be from late 19th- early 20th century? I'm only guessing this based on a similar one we have- ours is French and marble so maybe yours is the same? Yours might be made of slate? As for value I'm not sure
    2. Bruce99 Bruce99, 5 years ago
      Welcome to Collectors Weekly Gage,

      This is a Sessions Black Enameled Wood cased Mantel Clock with an 8-day time and strike movement. According to my reference, it looks like you have a model called the "Ideal" from circa 1910.

      The model was described in Sessions' Catalog as follows: Height, 10 1/2 inches, 10 inches wide. Bronze Column, Iveroid (plastic) Dial. Oval Glass. Bronze Metal Trimmings. Originally listed for $8.00. Adjusted for inflation that would be about $220 in 2019. These clocks were not cheap, and were like household "appliances" of their day.

      The Welch Clock Company was bought out by Sessions in 1901-02, so I kind of doubt that they were still labeling the Sessions name as Successors to the Welch Company but I'm not sure.

      The "Turn Back" feature meant that the owner can turn the minute hand backwards (or counter-clockwise) past 12:00 without risking damage to the Strike Mechanism. Personally, I would still avoid doing so just out of an abundance of caution.

      As to value, you can usually get a good idea of what current market values are by searching eBay's "Sold" listings. There is currently an example very much like your clock which has been fully restored. It auctioned off for $91 back on October 20, 2019. It will eventually disappear from eBay Listings so I won't link directly to it.

      Click this link to see current "sold" examples:

      I hope that solves your mystery. If so, please indicate "Mystery Solved" in the drop down option box within your listing.

      Thanks for sharing your family heirloom.

    3. Gage_robertson_collector Gage_robertson_collector, 5 years ago
      Thank you for your reply. When we had the clock fixed the repairs-men said it Was made around that time. I do know that it was made in Forestville, Connecticut which is near where I live, so it has most likely stayed in Connecticut most of its life. Thank you for your answer.
    4. Bruce99 Bruce99, 5 years ago
      You're welcome Gage. Thank you for sharing your heirloom.
      It has been well cared for through the years.

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