Posted 5 years ago
(3478 items)
Hopefully this model is as exciting as advertised. It isn't fancy and has no moving parts but I find it rather neat. And it is an older Matchbox model. with the exciting gray (grey) wheels.
The 1:1 version was a 1/4 ton pickup I believe with an 1100 or so cc motor that put out around 45 horsepower. I have not found exact info but what I found is in the range. I believe one gets the basic idea.
This model was sold from 1958 through 1965 but with the gray knobby wheels from 1958-1961. After that it had the standard black wheels. Black wheels are more realistic but gray has a bit more charm I think. As does the "Builders" decal on the sides. Actually the whole package has charm. Even if it does look a bit like a Tootsie Toy.
Another very exciting item coming up on the morrow. It is orange.
I really like this. It is "Tootsiest" looking. I didn't know Matchbox made that type. It has a neat design and I love the grill.
Thank you very much Toyrebel. Many of the early Matchbox were like this but unlike Tootsietoys they had a baseplate. It covers the entire underside and the wheels are attached to it. But it does look like a Tootsietoy.