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Wedgwood14 of 201Wedgwood Jasperware Pin Tray with West Highland Terrier & Trumpet VaseWedgewood - Etruria - Saxon
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    Posted 5 years ago

    (69 items)

    I don't know if this is actually Wedgwood Jasperware or some kind of knock off. The only mark is the 7302 on the bottom. I can't remember if I've seen yellow on white before, but figured one of you will be able to tell me . Thanks!

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    1. Golgatha Golgatha, 5 years ago
      I wouldn't count on it being Wedgwood. What can be said with certainty is that it's Louis Seize inspired, but probably much younger.
    2. AdeleC AdeleC, 5 years ago
      I’m pretty sure it’s not Wedgwood. They nearly always mark there ware. It’s very pretty though.
    3. Kjane79 Kjane79, 5 years ago
      Yeah, I'm not even sure why I thought Wedgwood. I guess it just has that same feel to it- and I possibly had Wedgwood on the brain... the place I found this also had a large Wedgwood jasperware fruit pedestal compote that had possibly been repainted? The piece itself was white, but all the people were wearing robes that were bright and all different colors, the grass was green... And I'll admit that I know next to nothing about Wedgwood jasperware, but I thought it was all usually done in two colors, possibly 3. So, when my eyes drifted over to this piece, I decided it might be the safer bet. And I really liked the feathery accents...
      And now I'm going to Google Wedgwood and Jasperware and give myself a crash course because I'm using them interchangeably and I just realized Jasperware is probably a specific type of Wedgwood- like all Jasperware is Wedgwood but not all Wedgwood is Jasperware? Except for the knock off Avon Jasperware? I'm rambling. Sorry for my Wedgwood/Jasperware naivity.
    4. Mae76 Mae76, 5 years ago
      Its difficult with a photo, but have you considered parian ware? If it has a slightly rough feel to the uncolored body, and some translucense to it, it may be. Look closely at the rim of the foot and surrounding areas for decorators, pattern and year marks, they can be easy to miss if they are impressed/stamped.

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