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Unknown glass vases

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Art Glass3122 of 22787Victorian pink cased satin glass jug vase with enamel decorationLoetz elfenbein Phänomen innen Silber, Genre 8237, PN II-8237, ca. 1912
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    Posted 5 years ago

    (2 items)

    Anyone have any ideas on these? I’m trying to decide if they are worth getting appraised. I think they are Victorian art glass but that’s as far as I’ve gotten. Thanks

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    1. IronLace IronLace, 5 years ago
      These are stunning!
      Definitely Victorian art glass, & Bohemian I think.
      My guess is that they were possibly made by Harrach, they have some similarities to known Harrach items that I own & have seen elsewhere. Not 100% certain.
      How tall are they? I can't tell from the comparison with the drink bottle as that could be small, medium or large...
    2. Saraht5551, 5 years ago
      Sorry about the poor pictures. They are 12 inch at the peak and about 4.5 inches at its widest. Thanks
    3. Saraht5551, 5 years ago
      I reposted with better photos
    4. IronLace IronLace, 5 years ago they're impressively large then! Definitely have the "wow" factor...
    5. Saraht5551, 5 years ago
      I picked them up from a local online estate auction and was blown away once I rinsed off the dust and grime. Now I just have to convince my boyfriend that they are going to give us radiation poisoning. Haha
    6. Saraht5551, 5 years ago
      Aren’t going to give us radiation poisoning. Autocorrect got me

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