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Ellen Clapsaddle Christmas Postcard 1908

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Mrstyndall's loves1990 of 7214Kurata for Mikasa bud vaseMade in Germany Christmas Postcard 1911
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    Posted 5 years ago

    (222 items)

    I have a few Christmas postcards that were mailed to the same Miss Sadie Garner in Bladen Nebraska. Her future son saved them until he got old and lost his memory.
    This card is by artist, Ellen Hattie Clapsaddle (1865-1934) International Art Publishing. I noticed that it has an additional stamp that reads, "Original Only Copyrighted" I am wondering if this is an original piece of art.
    I want to share them with anyone else who might find that they are getting old much faster than they wish.
    The good old days are here, let's enjoy them while we can. God's love to you all.

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    1. WideAwake0247, 5 years ago
      I love the post cards.. I too have these as well. I've been trying to learn about the people that they were sent too, hard finding info on line thou.. it's like everything cost money to research good. Unless I dont know how to work the web.. merry Christmas..
    2. WideAwake0247, 5 years ago
      Oh and the post cars you have is by a famous artist, some of those post cards are worth alittle bit if money. Specially like the one u have. Not sure 100 percent on the postcard, still learning, but it's cool on some of the postmarks too. If that made sence. Hope you had a wonderful holiday..
    3. TreasureTex TreasureTex, 5 years ago
      WideAwake0247 Merry Christmas and thank you so much, I had no idea that they were any different than any others but I will look into it. They were in a box and on the floor of an old 90 year old man's garage for many years. They just left the box there when they moved out. The family sold his house including contents (full house).
    4. WideAwake0247, 5 years ago
      Yes, the stamp could be something. The postal marking could be something and also, the postcard. I'm trying learning a out it all now. So much to learn.. good luck to you. Keep them out if a attic or basement. Try not to bend them or have your hands all over them. You never know what u might have. Tey to keep then corners from bending, at moment I have mine in photo books not the sticky kind. It's hard to find info on line. But you can join groups on line and they will help you. Wish I had more info for you..

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