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Pilgrim Glass pig

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    Posted 5 years ago

    (1499 items)

    As the Chinese year of the pig comes to a close Jan 25, here is a final salute from Pilgrim Glass of WV, a 2 1-2"H x 4"W amber pig with orig label from the 1970s

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    1. kwqd kwqd, 5 years ago
      Great piece of Pilgrim glass, Jenni!
    2. LaurenRedmond LaurenRedmond, 5 years ago
      A lovely little piggy! Totally forgot this was the year of the pig until you mentioned it. This coming year is the year of the rat I think? Anyway- I love how excitable he looks, just like he's ready to spring forward with a squeal of excitement maybe? And his lovely golden brown colour, like a glass of whiskey is lovely!
    3. Mrstyndall Mrstyndall, 5 years ago
      Cute piggy! My sister in law has a pet pig and we got a kick out of feeding it on Christmas Day!
    4. truthordare truthordare, 5 years ago
      After the pig we got the RAT, guess we can find a few in the White House......ha ha.
    5. racer4four racer4four, 5 years ago
      You are right! year of the pig nearly done.
      This is a lovely way to end note it.
    6. Newfld Newfld, 5 years ago
      Many thanks all for the kind "piggy" love

      Happy New Year 2020, including Chinese New Year everybody!

      Thank you for the super compliment Kevin my fellow Pilgrim Glass collector, couldn't forget this guy before Year of the Pig is ended. Not alot of Pilgrim animals left we haven't posted, but there are always a few surprises you find with labels that weren't in their 60s-70s catalogs, we will finish them I'm sure :)

      Lauren wonderful imagery, this pig is ready to run! He absolutely does have a whiskey color in the side shots, the glass animals always seem to take on other colors in different poses or in sunlight. Thank you for the wonderful compliments and yes, year of the Rat is next, now there's a future challenge for me

      Nicefice I totally appreciate your great comment and finding my pig cool, if he wasn't golden he would be blushing pink from the praise

      Thanks MrsT for the kind words, that is so cool that your sis-in-law has a pet one, sorta like Arnold the pig from Green Acres! Must be a very entertaining pet I would enjoy giving it some treats myself

      Lol Lisa yes that's probably true about White House rats & they probably had them in every administration, they've always had informers on the inside! Super fun comment, let's hope the Chinese Year of the Rat will be a good one for all of us

      Thanks Karen for the lovely compliment, I am so glad you liked my glass pig, I know it is not a glamorous animal but think Pilgrim did a good job on it. Now the rat will be something of a challenge to find but you know I will be looking around lol :)

    7. Gonavy Gonavy, 5 years ago
      Beautiful piece and made in America!!
    8. Newfld Newfld, 5 years ago
      Thank you Gonavy for the great compliment and love, yes I really love the US made vintage window glass animals, most were made in WV & were very popular in the 70s and 80s
    9. Newfld Newfld, 5 years ago
      Many thanks for the kind loves
    10. Newfld Newfld, 5 years ago
      Thank you so much for the love
    11. Hoot60, 4 years ago
      Love the wife collects them....she says she loves this pig too!
    12. Newfld Newfld, 4 years ago
      Hi Kurt and thanks to you and the Mrs for loving this Pilgrim pig, I have a nice different one which will post this mo then another for later, more owls too! Really pleased you have been staying awhile, it's great to know nice folk like yourself and makes sharing all the more enjoyable
      All the best always, Jenni :)))
    13. Newfld Newfld, 4 years ago
      Thanks guys for the love

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