Posted 5 years ago
(1007 items)
I had photographed this image a fews years ago. For whatever reason, tripods were not allowed to be used from this location. I think that I perched the camera on a stone fence or bench for this shot. The guard was kind in his admonishments re: the ban on tripods at this site, as was the police officer in Grand Central Terminal, where tripods, as I found out, were also forbidden....
Today, December 27, 2019 marks the 87th birthday of The Radio City Music Hall!
Ted that's a beautiful shot of Radio City at Christmastime. There was nothing like driving into the City with your family to see the Christmas show years ago, thank you for a very nice memory
Agree w/Newfld -- what a gorgeous photo -- thanks for sharing it Ted. I've been there just once myself, and it brings fond memories back to my mind too!!
:-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
Thank you, Jenni, and AO....your thoughts are most appreciated! I am very happy that this image has recalled great memories for you!
Thanking everyone for their loves of this image. I am so grateful for your consideration given to all of my presentations!
Happy New Year, to each of you!!!!