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Incomplete/Damaged Egyptian Vintage Cuff

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    Posted 5 years ago

    (1224 items)

    So I have done it again: I bought something I knew absolutely nothing about it! In my defense I must say that the braided part is really well done. When I saw the cuff, I was impressed by the craftsmanship it must have taken to braid a heavy and strong wire into this cuff. After searching online, I found out that cuff is actually only what is left of one! The middle part and the ends are still intact while the two twisted parts to the left and right of the braided part are gone. Also gone are the final two straight pieces on the outside.

    If you look closely at the last picture, you can see where the missing parts were attached. My guess is that the cuff got damaged and someone removed the thinner parts on both sides of the cuff to keep it symmetric.

    What is left of the cuff is still wearable (looks good if you don't know how it is supposed to look).

    The cuff is very heavy - about 123 grams. There are no marks and I am not sure what the material is. The only thing I am reasonably sure is that the cuff is Egyptian or from the general area, it is old, and it was handmade.

    Now the question is: What do I do with it?

    Thanks for looking:)

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    1. freiheit freiheit, 5 years ago
      Many thanks, Mary:)
      Nice to hear from you. I have been busy.
    2. freiheit freiheit, 5 years ago
      Thanks again, Mary. I will:)
    3. freiheit freiheit, 5 years ago
      Renedijkstra, thanks so much for your advise. I bought it because it was so interesting to me. I like anything handmade and this one fit the bill. I got it for a song and therefore I don't mind at all if it is not perfect but it was a bit disappointing when I realized that it was not complete. But I also realized that someone cared enough about this piece to rescue it an make it wearable - even if it is not complete anymore. I am not sure if this came out the right way - LOL
    4. freiheit freiheit, 5 years ago
      Agree. I like over the top pieces and I was going to wear it the way it is - until I found out what it should look like. But it is even now a quite impressive piece of jewellery.
    5. freiheit freiheit, 5 years ago
      Mary, thanks so much for your comment. I really appreciate it. Your cuff looks they way mine was looking some long time ago. I am a bit sad that mine is only a fraction of what it used to be but I think I will wear it as it is, together with some other other ones, like you mentioned you do. BTW, you have a wonderful collection of jewellery!!!

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