Posted 5 years ago
(1207 items)
This ash tray measures 6" long x 3" high x 4.5" wide and weighs 1 lb 7 ounces, heavy for its size. The bottom is ground and appears to have been frosted or sandblasted, perhaps to make it resistant to moving. It is a bit wonky, one side higher than the other and one end higher than the other, or lower if you are a glass half empty person! I don't get a feeling of great age from this, but it is a fancy ash tray, so guessing it is pre-2000. The blue ribs are applied glass, not a coloring or flashing, but very smoothly worked into the piece. This and a very nice three layer cased glass Japanese Enesco vase were a thrift shop find today for a total of $4.53. My pictures are not great, and I will try for better images later. Any guesstimates on age or origin appreciated.
Thank you Jenni and fortapache!
One person on think this is Chinese. Maybe. I don't usually keep Chinese made glass, but this is cool, so I will keep it this time if the consensus is Chinese.
Thanks Thomas, Nicefice, PhilDMorris and Kevin!
It is AWESOME no matter where/when it came from?!! :-) :-) :-) This is probably a Capt. Obvious suggestion, but have you checked thru to see if there's anything similar on there??
@AnythingObscure - Thanks for your comment! I agree. It is a keeper. I started working my way through but haven't finished, yet.
Thanks for loving my I think pretty cool ashtray Rulandma and AnythingObscure!
This reminds me of a really nice Chinese glass bowl I posted a few years back.
They are well made and so attractive!
@racer4four - Thanks for your comment and the link. I do see some similarities to my ashtray!
Thanks aura, Vynil33rpm and blunderbuss2!