Posted 5 years ago
(1207 items)
This bowl is 15" (38 cm) long x 7" (18 cm) high x 6" (15 cm)wide. The bottom is smooth, so it was probably made by swinging hot glass in a mold. The seller identified it as by Kurata, since it came from a large collection of Iwata and Kurata glass, but I am certain that it is Iwata. For some reason the seller listed the dimensions almost twice its actual size, but I still got a really good deal on it. This ebay auction shows a very similar piece that bears an Iwata label.
I also found several other similar Iwata pieces that show the clear edges and foamy glass texture.
Thank you fortapache!
Thank you Jenni!
Thanks Thomas, Nicefice, Watchsearcher and Kevin!
Very pretty color!
Beautiful bowl and an outstanding size! Absolutely lovely.
Exquisite... Love it!
@Mrstyndall - Thanks for your comment! I like that shade of blue a lot!
@Anik - Thanks for your comment, Anik. It is so large that I may need to give it a room of its own!
@Rulandma - Thanks for your comment. It is a peach!
Thanks for loving my Iwata bowl!
It's a beauty.
You are picking up quite a few Iwata pieces Kevin! Good eye mate.
@racer4four - Thanks Karen!
Thank you aura, artfoot and Thomas!
Thank you vcal!
Thanks, Cokeman1959!