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Coca Cola Signs

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    Posted 5 years ago

    (119 items)

    Here is a few of our Coca Cola signs hanging in our T.V. room. The first is a six foot tall embossed tin coke bottle, we purchased in Grand Island, Nebraska in 1980. Then there are a pair of cardboard signs we found a the Rosebowl Flea Market in 1990. The 3' x 6' wood framed tin sign we traded from a friend, around 1991, it was N.O.S. coming out of a bottling plant in Texas. We got it with a Coca Cola Policeman crossing guard sign. We had to trade a gas pump.

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    1. rocker-sd rocker-sd, 5 years ago
      Thanks for the Love, CokeKid-04, bobby725, fortapache, blunderbuss2. officialfuel,Daddy_Nobucks, farmlady, PhilDMorris, AnythingObscure, Longings, and sugargirl.

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