Posted 5 years ago
(1207 items)
This vase is 9" high x 3" base x 4" widest. The design was fired on. It is a classic vase from this maker. I was surprised to not find one of these on CW. I don't see these in the wild very often and when I do, they go from $20-$40 for a mint one. I picked this one up for $1.66, including tax. This style of white glass from Anchor Hocking is called "Vitrock". Note the circle on the bottom of the vase, which appears on a lot of Anchor Hocking glass, especially vases. I wonder if the name "Hoover" often mentioned with Hocking glass may have something to do with this circle, maybe some vacuum process that is part of molding the glass? This vase was made in a two part mold.
This Vitrock vase was also made with the decoration in blue and in un-decorated fired on solid ruby and yellow. Anchor Hocking also made the Vitrock vase with Flamingos in red or blue. I have never seen a flamingo vase in the wild.
the name "Hoover" came from Hazel Marie Weatherman; she is known to name many glass patterns in her books when an OMN was unknown or nonexistent.
Thanks, TallCakes! I wonder how she came up with that name?
she was known for just making up names; no one really knows the rhyme or reason...
for those interested here's a blue flamingo vase:
Thanks for loving my AH Vitrock vase Ben, Vynil33rpm, Thomas, Kevin, Jenni and fortapache!
Thank you blunderbuss2!
Thanks Broochman!
Thanks aura!
Thank you Trey, Nicefice and bobby725!
I actually looked for one of these for several years at a good price and finally succeeded. My cat took a run at breaking it but failed!