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Archimede Seguso - beware of immitations

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    Posted 5 years ago

    (5 items)

    I bought this sometime ago as I thought the signature was 'right' when it arrived I was disappointed. I gave it away to a friend of mine with the information that I was convinced it was not genuine.
    We all make mistakes but this was a big one for me.

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    1. truthordare truthordare, 5 years ago
      That happens often, images are not enough to be sure, I have my own cache of not real but repro glass pieces. Some savvy collectors say it's the price of your tuition as a learning experience in collecting. Thanks for posting, it is still an attractive piece.
    2. seguso777, 5 years ago
      Actually, that vase with the blue ridges, "cordonati" is a genuine Archimede Seguso vase, I bought one with the exact same construction, but a slightly different shape, in the Seguso shop in Venice on Piazza San Marco about 20 years ago, I still have it.
      I agree it's not his best design by far, but still genuine, so be proud you bought it in the first place, Best Regards, Steve
    3. ardy ardy, 5 years ago
      Hi Seguso777, you would not say that if you saw it. I bet yours did not have lines that did not line up exactly and slightly different sizes (an absolute no no to A.S.) and the bowl of the vase was out on one side.
      A.S. rarely signed his pieces unless they were very special ie Biennale pieces. But the signature did line up with a piece I currently have here. Only on close inspection could you see the flaws. Eastern Europe piece would be my guess.

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