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Gibson Art Glass Burmese vase/spooner, 2000

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    Posted 5 years ago

    (1207 items)

    This Gibson Art Glass piece is 4.75" high x 3" wide top x 3.25" wide bottom. I think it is a vase or spooner. I could not find another example of this one. It is very hard to photograph due to the shape. The last image best shows the shape. It is shaped a bit like a nuclear cooling tower, wider at the bottom than at the top. This was a Hail Mary, ebay find. I was looking for another piece of Gibson art glass to balance out my collection on CW and this listing was a mess, meager description, no dimensions, something was wrong with the images and all were blank except for one shot of the maker's mark on the bottom which was completely illegible, but it was only $5 and from a seller with almost 14,000 100% positive feedbacks, so I took a chance on it and got lucky. The image of the bottom looked like the "vase" was white, but I thought it might be Burmese. For $5 it is hard to go wrong for a piece of Gibson Art Glass and the description did say "no damage". I found a couple of Gibson Burmese vases that I thought it might be, but was surprised to find it was a completely different one. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. I will take the win on this one.

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    1. kwqd kwqd, 5 years ago
      Thanks for loving my Gibson vase AdeleC, Ivonne, Thomas, Kevin, Jenni, valentino97, fortapache, IronLace, Elisabethan and estherscollections!
    2. kwqd kwqd, 5 years ago
      Thanks for loving my Gibson Burmese thing aura, Mrstyndall and sklo42!
    3. kwqd kwqd, 5 years ago
      Thanks Karen!
    4. kwqd kwqd, 2 years ago
      Thanks Elainep, Faith.k, Jenni and vcal!
    5. kwqd kwqd, 2 years ago
      Thanks kivatinitz!

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