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Can anyone help, is this a Hunzinger.

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    Posted 5 years ago

    (1 item)

    Greetings Folks and thank you for any help you can offer. I purchased this rocking chair whilst living in Fremont Ohio and brought it back to Australia when we returned. I have exhausted my searches to confirm whether this could be a Hunzinger Rocking Chair. I have seen many that are the platform rockers but alas I have not managed to find this style rocking chair attributed to Hunzinger ( I have uploaded a picture of a Hunzinger platform rocker) you can see my dilemma. There are no identifying marks, I love the researching side of antiques but I am now at a loss. Could you also advise what wood it may be and possible age, I would be grateful for any help and thank you for your time. Cheers HeleMac.

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    1. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 5 years ago
      Nice chair. Hi there, welcome to CW. Our group here reminds me of an online place to be, like the old sitcom 'Cheers'. Lots of fun, sharing, learning and caring and yes, 'everybody knows your name'! (Or learns it after awhile)

      Research can be daunting, but it's that moment you find out what you have that's gratifying. As far as your chair goes, it's got me stumped already. Something about it just tells me that it's possibly at the end of the Eastlake Era and something else tells me it's from the 70's. I'm wondering what type of 'stuffing' material it's got. If you could replace one of your photos with one that shows the bottom would help too. Just hit the edit button, remove a pic and then add a new one.

      Here is a site with some great info and explains what I'm thinking much better than I can explain it;
    2. HeleMac, 5 years ago
      Thank you for your welcoming words and your shared thoughts, I cannot photo the underside just at this moment but as soon as I get the opportunity I shall. What I have done is include a photo of a Hunzinger platform, the number of turns in the barley twists, the beehive finals, the measurements are all the same. OOhhh the mystery deepens. Cheers for now thanking you. PS I hope you see this I have already replied to you but could not see it, I must have the newbie disease and not sure if I am doing this correctly.
    3. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 5 years ago
      Lol, yep, you sure are doing it correctly. Love your response and you are very welcome. I just wish I was able to pinpoint it for you! I was wondering, were you able to google that link I left you up there? your chair seems to be in two to three different eras to me. That's why the bottom would help. This one seems to have the Deco influence on it too, that's why it's a bit confusing to me but I completely see why you thought Hunzinger. There is a Michele Hunzinger on Instagram, maybe you could ask her if she is part of that family and ask her about it. It does have some of the attributes of that time.

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