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Art nouveau silver Emile Dropsy

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    Posted 5 years ago

    (306 items)

    This rather large silver item is a belt buckle. I think a few years ago a similar item was posted by Agram, hers was a pendant or a brooch.
    Its signed Emile Dropsy and on the back it says Savard.
    Although it has no silver marks it tested as silver
    'Auguste Savard registered his company in 1893. He registered the FIX trade mark, a range of high quality affordable jewelry. He engaged famous art nouveau medailleurs like Emile Dropsy, Tairac and Becker. At rhe height of production the Savard FIX company employed 300 people.'

    So this design was made by Jean Baptiste Emile Dropsy(1848-1923), a graveur/medailleur. He came from a famous family of marble workers. He made name designing religious subjects, but he also liked to show nature in his work.
    His designs were used in several objects and materials.
    So you can find the same design as a belt buckle or other objects like a brooch, a sliding mirror, a pendant, etc. In gold, silver or gold plated.
    The small silver pendant on the 3rd and fourth picture is also a Dropsy design. I already showed it here some years ago, it was listed as silver Solange pendant.
    Hope you like this info!

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    1. vetraio50 vetraio50, 5 years ago
      Welcome Back !!!!
    2. racer4four racer4four, 5 years ago
      Great info as always Newtimes, and it's fab you have these two.
      Your collection continues to amaze and please me!
    3. Newtimes Newtimes, 5 years ago
      Nice to be back! Thanks for looking at my object!
      (I secretly tried to slip it into the fine jewelry category but they already recategorised) ????
    4. Newtimes Newtimes, 5 years ago
      Ohhh they dont do smileys s here... such a shame
    5. kyratango kyratango, 5 years ago
      Welcome back Newtimes!!
      Great piece and documentation :-)
    6. Gillian, 5 years ago
      Welcome back - missed you. Thanks for the history - it's really very interesting. /:>
    7. Agram.m Agram.m, 5 years ago
      Hallo, of course I recognize this brooch made by Emile Dropsy and this is also very beautiful. And yes indeed I have a posted a brooch from the same maker as you can see on:

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