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was found way out in the Sonoran dessert South of Tucson

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Typewriters21 of 290A Royal Experience — Royal Arrow TypewritersThe Pearl Typewriter - 1891
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    Posted 5 years ago

    (1 item)

    Found way out in dessert South of Tucson anyone recognize poor have anything like this any info much appreciated, it had a tree growing through the key board had to cut the line to free it up it was up high on the limb. Lol

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    1. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 5 years ago
      Wow! Incredible story! And those old typewriters were incredibly parents saved ours that they got “second-hand” back in the 1970s. I found it in the attic after they passed away. It was almost too heavy for me to pick up....I threw it away, but not in the desert.
    2. Seabones, 5 years ago
      You know what surprisingly enough this type writer is very light considering I've listed some from the mid 1980's that were much heavier then this one is

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