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Historic photo: My house covered in snow. 10 years ago.

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    Posted 5 years ago

    (221 items)

    This is a historic photo. My house covered in snow February 21st 2010. Then the climate changes came. All this coal- and oil-burning had been going on all over the Globe for much too long time. We don't get snow anymore. Now our winters are wet, wet, wet and windy, windy, windy ...

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    1. iggy iggy, 5 years ago
      It seems to be that way here also.(Michigan US) I remember when I was a youngster in the late 60's and 70's we would have tons of snow on the ground from Nov to April. Lately though we get a couple of inches then it gets warm enough to melt it in 2 days. That pattern repeats itself.
    2. josscee josscee, 5 years ago
      well my snow banks are 5 ft tall my roof has all most 3 ft of snow on it ... like it has for most of 30 years I missing something you can have some of mine if it helps ..nice post

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