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Northwood 3 footed bowl

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    Posted 5 years ago

    (1 item)

    Hi guys! Just trying to find more information on this northwood bowl. I was only able to find one other one which was on ebay for $260. I'd love to know where and when this was made. It was my great grandma's and sadly she's not around anymore to ask. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! =)

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    1. TallCakes TallCakes, 5 years ago
      Harry Northwood & Co. operated in Wheeling, WV beginning c1902 where he developed his carnival glass. This is the Fine Cut Roses pattern introduced c1909. The pattern was later reproduced by Fenton.
    2. trdistler trdistler, 5 years ago
      Thank you tallcakes!! So this would have been made in the early 1900's?
      Ahhhh i would have loved to know where she had gotten this!
    3. TallCakes TallCakes, 5 years ago
      yes, this would be an early Northwood version, as Fenton removed the Northwood mark in their reproduction pieces.
    4. trdistler trdistler, 5 years ago
      Super cool ????
      I didn't realize it was that old!
    5. trdistler trdistler, 5 years ago
      Sorry! I wasn't aware this site didn't support emoticons.. That is not supposed to be a bunch of question marks >.< haha

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