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Coro 1950s Red Thermoset Necklace, Bracelet, Brooch, Earring Set

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Coro Jewelry52 of 212CORO Signed Statement Bib Necklace - Orange Pink Green Blue Rhinestone Jewelry - 1940s Vintage CORO White Rhinestone Blue Confetti Flower Brooch Pin
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    Posted 5 years ago

    (122 items)

    This is my mother’s red Coro Thermaset jewellery, which she was gifted in the 1950s. The necklace, earrings and bracelet are signed; the brooch is not. I remember her wearing it many decades later. The set actually has two necklaces. I have photographed only one.

    Coro Inc., has arguably been called the most famous jewellery company to exist in North America in the 1950s. It certainly had the most brand names being marketed in the US during that decade. The company began operation around 1901. It was founded by Emmanuel Cohn, who initially called it E. Cohn & Company. The name “Coro” came into use some years after the death of Cohn, after his family sold his shares to his partner, Carl Rosenberger, who combined his name with that of his deceased partner. Coro ceased operations in the US in 1979.

    Chunky Lucite Thermaset such as this classic example was very popular in the US and Canada during the 1950s. Yet, I am pleased to have this red set.

    *** Last photo edited — showing both necklaces now.

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    1. Newfld Newfld, 5 years ago
      Fabulous Coro set, your mother had wonderful taste in jewelry. Love the artful placement of the red stones here, esp the bracelet in the diamond pattern
    2. Daisy1000 Daisy1000, 5 years ago
      Thank you for your kind comments: Newfld, valentino97, Ms.CrystalShip.

      Thanks for the Loves:


    3. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 5 years ago
      Wow what a fantastic set in your collection. Love the red plastic.
    4. Daisy1000 Daisy1000, 5 years ago
      Thanks for the Loves and Comment, Elisabethan.

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