Posted 5 years ago
(949 items)
I have long had a passion for Burmese glass. It really is one of the finest types of Victorian art glass in my opinion.
This is an interesting piece. I have consulted my books & cannot find a piece just like it attributed to either Webb or Mt Washington, though I am leaning slightly in the latter's favour.
Anyway, it is a rather pale example of Burmese...a soft cream shading to a shell pink. Paler than any of my known Webb items.
A squat sort of vase with a melon - ribbed design, it measures 8.5 cm tall & 7 cm across the top rim. It has three applied clear scrolled feet with ribbing (or reeding as some call it). No pontil mark at all.
It may have had a metal flower holder (one of the dealers thought so, the other didn't...& as for me, the jury's still out). The top has been finished off well enough, not rough as pieces intended to have lids or flower holders usually are.
Both Webb & Mt Washington made Burmese items with a melon ribbed shape, but this is not quite like any of theirs that I can find. The applied feet are interesting too...Mt Washington made some Burmese items with similar feet...but they tended to be of the same colour as the body (eg. not in clear glass).
It has a good glow under UV light, indicating the presence of uranium, which rules out the possibility of it being a Murano reproduction from the 1960s - 70s era. Their Burmese tended to a muddy colouration, & does not glow under UV. It is also definitely not a Fenton piece.
This might be Mt Washington, as it has a few more affinities with their known products than it does with Webb Burmese.
So, a vaguely mysterious item...the shape is distinctive, & I feel that I've seen it before in another decor...
Informed opinions are most welcome.
cool peach lovely first class ironlace
all the very best malkey
Many thanks, MALKEY!
its a pretty one , plan and simple, yet bold...
What a little sweetheart of a vase.
Serene and lovely.
I will probably be at the market Sunday, hopefully not too late. I'll look out for you!
Thanks, Alleycat1!
Thanks so much Karen!
The trains down to Sydney have been replaced with buses for a while due to infrastructure damage caused by bush fires & a recent landslide but nothing will impede my progress in search of glass, & I hope to see you there my friend! :-)
My plan is to get there around 11am...