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Two ice cream markers.

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    Posted 5 years ago

    (137 items)

    These items were placed on a block of ice cream so that the raised ribs would mark the block into equal sections. The block could then be cut up to make fourpenny wafers. The first is of heavier metal with a chrome finish and is stamped Lucan Dairies. The second one is more simply made from soldered tin with a galvanised finish. It is stamped Dairy Engineering Company of Ireland, Dublin.

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    1. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 5 years ago
      I certainly never would have guessed that's what they were for -- THANKS for showing such interesting items with the explanation, Irishcollector.!!!
      :-) :-) :-)
    2. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 5 years ago
      Are fourpenny wafers similar to our ice cream sandwiches? Hmmm- gotta put those on my grocery list!
    3. Irishcollector. Irishcollector., 5 years ago
      Thank you both for commenting. I'm not sure what an ice cream sandwich looks like but probably the same as a wafer ice cream which is a solid rectangle of ice cream between between two wafers. Of course now-a-days they cost a lot more than four pence.
    4. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 5 years ago
      That’s it exactly....usually chocolate wafers with vanilla ice cream in the middle. Very tasty!
    5. hotairfan hotairfan, 5 years ago
      You have a great collection of seldom seen items. I thank you for showing.
    6. Irishcollector. Irishcollector., 5 years ago
      Thank you hotairfan,I enjoy showing items as much as I enjoy looking at everyone elses posts.

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