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Heisey by Dalzell Viking glass elephant

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    Posted 5 years ago

    (1499 items)

    This 4 1-4"H x 6 1-2""W lavender ice glass elephant is the Royal Hickman Medium Elephant #2 design for Heisey of 1944-1953, reissued by Dalzell Viking for the HCA in 1993

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    1. racer4four racer4four, 5 years ago
      Trunk up good luck.
      Is this neodymium glass Jenni?
    2. Mrstyndall Mrstyndall, 5 years ago
      Gorgeous color!
    3. LaurenRedmond LaurenRedmond, 5 years ago
      This is so beautiful, he's in such a completely relaxed pose and very calming colour- he makes me think of an elephant having a bath in a lagoon at dusk , or a rather peaceful serene and surreal interpretation of the Pink Elephants scene in Dumbo ( at least this one doesn't terrify me!)
    4. Daisy1000 Daisy1000, 5 years ago
      This is gorgeous lavender glass. Are these pieces marked ... or etched, or do you just “know” who the maker was because of experience with art glass? Tks. Gorgeous.
    5. Newfld Newfld, 5 years ago
      Thank you to all for the kind love

      Thanks as always Karen for the fabulous comment, I do hope the upward trunk brings me good luck! I was interested myself if these lavender glass Viking pieces were neodymium and researched it, I don't believe they are as could not find anything online or in my glass books about it (they don't give off a glow in dark, though I don't have a black light for testing) but those type in glass are really cool, I'd love to find a neodymium animal for my collection

      Ken thank you for the wonderful compliments, this particular lavender shade was done with a whole slew of Dalzell Viking animals in 93 commissioned by the HCA (Heisey Collectors of America) from original old Heisey animal designs, they are hard to find but I have this one, the bull, and one other for a future post - I love any shade of purple it's my fave color!

      Thanks MrsT for the lovely compliment, glad you are a lavender fan too!

      Lauren your imagination is just wonderful, I love to see this elephant as a peaceful Dumbo or having a bath in a lagoon, great imagery! You know how I love anything to do with film comparisons, and classic cartoons have always been a source of great enjoyment for me from childhood on. Thank you for brightening my day & the super praise

      Many thanks Daisy for the great compliments and inquiring about how I i.d. my glass, well I try for a high degree of accuracy as this is a reference site for collectors and I never say "I think it could be..." if I don't know the maker. As previously mentioned, the lavender ice series (both transparent & frosted) came out in 1993 by Dalzell Viking from 1940s-1950s Heisey original designs, and I have two excellent book sources that have extensive photos, names & often item numbers for all these vintage animals, Glass Animals & Figurines by D & R Coe, and Glass Animals by D & P Spencer. Then I have a couple books on Viking Glass as well as a CD-ROM disc of their catalogs, and vintage catalogs for Pilgrim, Kanawha & Rainbow Art Glass. With Murano it is harder, I try to find orig labelled pieces for absolute accuracy, and have many Murano books too but also compare online photos & info, same with British and Swedish makers (sometimes these two are marked or etched with info on bottom, as with the WWF animals)
    6. Agram.m Agram.m, 5 years ago
      What a beautiful glass. I love elephants.
    7. Newfld Newfld, 5 years ago
      Thank you Agram.m for the lovely compliment & I am an elephant lover as well! You have a beautiful collection and I am so pleased you liked this fellow, also very grateful for the kind love
    8. AdeleC AdeleC, 5 years ago
      Hi Jenni, I too wondered if your elephant was Neodymium. You don't need a blacklight to find out. I have a neodymium Duck, and it took be ages to realise this, but it is pink in natural light, but bluey green in indoor light!
    9. Newfld Newfld, 5 years ago
      Thanks Adele for the great neodymium tips, by the way I love your duck it's gorgeous! Sadly, this elephant does not change color in any kind of light, I've tried indoors, outdoors, night & day always the same. But I do have one other animal to post in the lavender glass, here's hoping I get lucky

      Many thanks for the thoughtful love
    10. Newfld Newfld, 5 years ago
      Thank you Roycroft for the love it is so nice of you & glad you liked this elephant - remember the old teaser "think of anything except a purple elephant" & that would be all you could think of lol :)
    11. Newfld Newfld, 3 years ago
      Thanks all for the love

      Much appreciated!
    12. Newfld Newfld, 2 years ago
      Thank you BHIFOS for the love for this lavender glass elephant, so pleased that you liked it and appreciate your thoughtful consideration
    13. Newfld Newfld, 2 years ago
      Thanks so much Ralph for the love for this Heisey elephant, so glad you liked it and always grateful for your thoughtfulness

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