Posted 5 years ago
(497 items)
It's actually the nicest day we've had this year so far (UK), so I've managed to cut the grass, and thought I'd take photos of my new huge glass apple in the garden. I saw it last week, but didn't get it, but I think my sister would like it in her "red" kitchen, so I bought it. It is very big, and hollow, with a sort of honeycomb pattern. I thought at first it was had blown, but looking very carefully I can see joints, so possibly made in 4 pieces, though joins are almost invisible. No idea where made. Ideas would be welcome? Height is 7", around 6" across.
What a lovely red glass apple AdeleC -- and particularly well pictured in your garden!! <applause> Our daffodils are all going strong here (AR, USA) but I haven't yet got motivated enough to run the mower and clean up the yard... <groan> ;-) :-)
super piccys ,,works perfectley adele
all the very best malkey
It reminds me of those really big red berries that become hollow I think?...It would look really cool if you were going for the fairy tale aesthetic
That’s an astonishing apple, Adele. Great photography, too. Is that your yard today? Lucky you; mine is covered in snow (and a few overfed gray squirrels).
It’s a lovely moulding Adele.
I would grab this in an instant.