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Giorgione's family

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    Posted 5 years ago

    (87 items)

    Got this old painting, checked and authenticated, of the giorgione's family, please give me your views about what should I do with it

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    1. freiheit freiheit, 5 years ago
      Put it away from the fridge!
    2. Abdul__Qadir8879 Abdul__Qadir8879, 5 years ago
      Ohh yeah thank u????
    3. freiheit freiheit, 5 years ago
      Sorry, Abdul_Qadir8879, I just thought it's not a safe place to have a painting, any painting:)
      Lovely, by the way!
    4. Abdul__Qadir8879 Abdul__Qadir8879, 5 years ago
      Tysm madam ??
    5. Golgatha Golgatha, 5 years ago
      I'd have a reputable museum have a look at it and if they can verify the authenticity, then you can call yourself a rich man.
    6. Abdul__Qadir8879 Abdul__Qadir8879, 5 years ago
      My friend got it checked at the National museum of archaeology at Warsaw, what do you think about it?.
    7. freiheit freiheit, 5 years ago
      Just a question: Why is the paper mostly written in Russian, not Polish or English?
    8. Golgatha Golgatha, 5 years ago
      Abdul, archaeology isn't art history science. I'd choose a reputable art museum.
    9. Abdul__Qadir8879 Abdul__Qadir8879, 5 years ago
      Freiheit, the painting is authenticated two times one in poland and the other in Belarus, so the report is in Russian because this one is of The Belarus National museum
    10. Abdul__Qadir8879 Abdul__Qadir8879, 5 years ago
      Golgatha sir, I've got it checked in The Belarus National museum.
    11. Alan2310 Alan2310, 5 years ago
      May we see the ledge of the stretcher and back Of it, this will be helpful.
    12. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 5 years ago
      This is extremely gorgeous! I would definitely hang it for as long as I could. Insure it and keep it until I just had to have some moolah!!!
    13. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 5 years ago
      can you translate that for us? I'm so curious as to what it says! Does it give you a value of the painting?
    14. Abdul__Qadir8879 Abdul__Qadir8879, 5 years ago

      Department of scientific and restoration workshops Sector of physical and chemical research

      TITLE: Triple Lortret

      Posted by GIORCONE Giordko Giarbarelli da Casgelfranco / ORIG: Giorgione; Zorzi, Zorzon; Barbelli da Castelfranco)

      DATE OF CREATION. 16 St (?)

      DIMENSIONS 77.5 X 78.7 cm

      MATERIAL. Canvas

      EQUIPMENT. Oil

      INVENTORY NUMBER :. BX 003677

      Bgygovanie. Manfrin Gallery?

      a) general view
    15. Abdul__Qadir8879 Abdul__Qadir8879, 5 years ago
      Head of the sector of physical and chemical NHM RB,
      Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor

      Mitskevich A.G.

      Sector Researcher
      physico-chemical studies of NHM RB

      Moiseev Yu.F
    16. mp.kunst mp.kunst, 5 years ago
      This painting is re-produced more than once throught the centuries:
    17. Abdul__Qadir8879 Abdul__Qadir8879, 5 years ago
      mp.kunst yes ofcourse but the original painting is no where to be found because I have it
    18. Abdul__Qadir8879 Abdul__Qadir8879, 5 years ago
      I had a consultation from a good expert, as its a work of 16th century only giorgione himself couldve painted this
    19. Alleycat1, 5 years ago
      Looks like it needs to be sent out to be cleaned ,,, cool find.
    20. mp.kunst mp.kunst, 5 years ago
      Keep us informed of new developments in the near future as we remain curious
    21. Abdul__Qadir8879 Abdul__Qadir8879, 5 years ago
      Ok sir, mp.kunst why not.
    22. Abdul__Qadir8879 Abdul__Qadir8879, 5 years ago
      So sorry to hear that, renedijkstra, what else do you want.
    23. Alan2310 Alan2310, 5 years ago
      Show the ledge of the stretcher and the back, this will fix it.
    24. Abdul__Qadir8879 Abdul__Qadir8879, 5 years ago
      How? Should i post it?
    25. Abdul__Qadir8879 Abdul__Qadir8879, 5 years ago
      Have a look
    26. Abdul__Qadir8879 Abdul__Qadir8879, 5 years ago
      Have a look, TheGallery, Alan2310, renedijkstra, mp.kunst, Alleycat1,shareurpassion, and everyone else the back of the painting.
    27. Abdul__Qadir8879 Abdul__Qadir8879, 5 years ago
      Actually, I have already tested from , The national museum of Belarus, chemical analysis, x ray research and what not, also many experts approved its the work from 16th century..
    28. Abdul__Qadir8879 Abdul__Qadir8879, 5 years ago
      What do you think? Give me ur views on the painting being sfumato or not. It'll be greatly appreciated.
    29. Abdul__Qadir8879 Abdul__Qadir8879, 5 years ago
      I can send you a fully illustrated video of the painting if you want.
    30. freiheit freiheit, 5 years ago
      I am starting to become interested in its story. Where did you get the painting, if I may ask?
    31. Abdul__Qadir8879 Abdul__Qadir8879, 5 years ago
      Freiheit I got it from Inheritance buddy.
    32. Abdul__Qadir8879 Abdul__Qadir8879, 5 years ago
      What is said is, I have tested it from belarus national museum, got the officials signature too, also the experts there, suggested its a 16th century work, its in their report, You dont agree fine, nothing to bother me mate.
    33. Abdul__Qadir8879 Abdul__Qadir8879, 5 years ago
      Have a look at the chemical analysis painting 16th century
    34. Abdul__Qadir8879 Abdul__Qadir8879, 5 years ago
      renedijkstra, TheGallery I've invested a very big amount in this painting, roughly 10000 euros have been spent on this painting, atlast the Belarusian conclusion said that it isn't a copy and this painting can only be of the master himself.
    35. Alleycat1, 5 years ago
      "renedijkstra, 2 mins ago
      listen kid go play with someone else , there is no big action house who will guarantee this painting, what is the sweat ? the big auction houses got there own appraisers and the scientific gear,"
      Who's that great auction house appraiser used by all the top auction house 'back sometime ago who was also a great painted ,,. who would paint the old paintings himself to to sell and appraise by him for the insure company's. and auction ya all them big Fish bought art on his ok .... He still missing ..has 4 or 5 contracts out on him I love art too...but ya just have no idea what you have ..
    36. Abdul__Qadir8879 Abdul__Qadir8879, 5 years ago
      In 16th century Giorgione had a friend cyanus, who also painted this picture, but it hangs in the Louvre and there are other sizes
    37. Abdul__Qadir8879 Abdul__Qadir8879, 5 years ago
      UV examination has also been done, sir/Madam renedijkstra
    38. Abdul__Qadir8879 Abdul__Qadir8879, 5 years ago
      the paintings was in the manfin gallery.After the Manfin gallery closed, the painting was sold through an auction this picture was assigned to number 21 submarines.Which the number in the picture say.A German woman bought it at an auction was she a collector.Later the paintings was privately owned and inherited to me.
    39. Abdul__Qadir8879 Abdul__Qadir8879, 5 years ago
      Can i know where is cherkasov location?
    40. Alleycat1, 5 years ago
    41. Abdul__Qadir8879 Abdul__Qadir8879, 5 years ago
      Not helpful ????
    42. Abdul__Qadir8879 Abdul__Qadir8879, 5 years ago
      I wish if i could take it to Venice museum
    43. Abdul__Qadir8879 Abdul__Qadir8879, 5 years ago

      Have a look everyone.
    44. Abdul__Qadir8879 Abdul__Qadir8879, 5 years ago
      renedijkstra, Ms.crystalship, Alleycat1,freiheit,
      TheGallery, Alan2310, shareurpassion,Golgatha, mp.kunst,

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