Posted 5 years ago
(4 items)
Or you’re AnythingObscure, this is for you. I noticed you enjoy quirky neon signs, and was instantly excited to share one of my favorite ridiculous possessions in my quaint collection of random items that bring extra joy to my life. I absolutely love this sign. There’s so many moments in life where I feel I could just light up this sign and point to it, instead of trying to explain to someone why their thought process is ridiculous. Come on people now......
BEAUTIFUL, and indeed oh, so poignant these days too, ThePerkyPianist!!
THANKS FOR SHARING!!!!! :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
super love it strangely i took a piccy today of a place with neon red lips i think and name
many thanks for sharing
all the very best malkey
Love one another right now to finish the line
Just like Bob and I
this is amazing!!!
This would look great in a Avant grade home!!
TPP'ist -- once more I gotta say THANK YOU for showing your neon sign to all of us first thing today. You brightened my own morning immeasurably by doing so whether you knew it or not -- absolutely including your delightful description of what it means to you. I agree wholeheartedly!!!
"...random items that bring extra joy to my life".
And ain't THAT the ultimate reason why all of us, to whatever degrees of excess or not, ;-) collect/share/yadayada all our own personal piles of "extra joy" with each other around here...??
Funny how that can happen. :-)
OH -- and if this one's my own 'quirky neon sign' which caught your eye -- I'm only sorry it is somewhat greater than more irreverent than yours <LOLOL> but I only had so much to work's glowing happily behind me on the wall as I type this! :-) :-) :-)
AnythingObscure, I am oh so jealous of that sign. Its incredible! I'm glad you found amusement in my sign, the way I did in yours. I actually tried selling mine not too long ago, during one of my "I've got to get rid of some of this shit" moments. When it got down to $50, I took it off marketplace and decided I'd rather just give it away to someone who really enjoyed it. After careful deliberation, It turns out that person was me the whole time.