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Mantel Clock

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French Clocks103 of 121Antique French ClockFrench Ormolu Marble Clock
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (4 items)

    I am looking for any information about this clock. It has a Marti bronze medallian. I would like to know who made the marble(?) case, my research shows 1860 for the date. How about value?

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    1. vetraio50 vetraio50, 14 years ago
      Hi! Is it marble or Belgian slate?
    2. Susie, 14 years ago
      Hi...I have no idea! How do you tell?
    3. vetraio50 vetraio50, 14 years ago
      Believe me, it's slate. There was a fashion in England for black after the death of Queen Victori's consort, Prince Albert in 1861. An entire nation went into mourning with their Queen that only ended with her death forty years later. Belgian slate became the 'in thing'. Notice too how the face of the clock is black. It's surely a matter of taste, but I think this is a very handsome clock; I like the combo of black and gold.
    4. Tracey Ann Sage, 14 years ago
      I have a similar clock will post with Pic after I figure the site out. Love the clock wonder if French Clockmaker is Lester or Dexter and sons. Mine was a horse trophy for the
    5. Tracey Sage, 14 years ago
      Widdington Cup in 1886. Has horses name on plaque also.

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