Posted 5 years ago
(3473 items)
Going from the mini-planes to the Minitanks. These are made by Roco and have been around for about 50 years. They are a bit of snap together/glue and ready to go depending on the model. Some are ready to go right out of the package, some require a lot of work amnd most are in-between. Unlike Mini-Planes these are all 1/87 scale aka HO scale. Also I have hundreds of these.
This group are all German WWII vehicles painted panzer gray. I think they mold them in yellow now which is more correct but I do like the panzer gray color. It looks quite WWII German.
The vehicles here are....
#1 Schimnwagen
#2 Kubelwagen
#3 Opel Blitz Truck
#4 Half-Track. This one was used for the 88 although it is pulling a mere 37 now.
Never fear. I have more.