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Fenton (?) milk glass lamp globe

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Recent Activity14 of 435Old reverse painted lamp shade w/moulded tin ceiling ringVintage Pendant Light Shade
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    Posted 5 years ago

    (1208 items)

    This lamp globe is about 6" high x 5" diameter x 3 1/8" rim. It appears to have been made with a three part mold and is very well finished with no sharp edges. The mold lines are very hard to find. It is fairly thick milk glass, probably American made. The edge of the opening is opalescent. It appears to be good quality, deep white, milk glass. Not sure of it's age. These used to be fairly common in thrift shops, but it has been a few years since I have seen one. I have had this one for many years, but never had an appropriate place to use it so it just sits on a shelf. They are occasionally seen with a metal ornament mounted on the closed end. Does anyone know who made these?

    October 2021: I finally found a use for this globe. I bought a "new" house and one of the hanging fans/lights was missing its globe and this fit perfectly. It is a 1940 bungalow and this is bit Victorian, but doesn't clash too much.

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    1. kwqd kwqd, 5 years ago
      @Brunswick - Me too, Thomas!

      @WesternPA-Collector - Thanks for your comment! Most of these makers went through my mind, too, in addition to Hazel Atlas. The only ones that I don't think are a candidates are Anchor Hocking and Indiana Glass. It just doesn't look like their milk glass.

      Thanks for taking the time to look at and love my milk glass globe WesternPA-Collector, Thomas, Nicefice, Jenni, Elisabethan, MALKEY, keramikos, fortapache and Broochman!
    2. kwqd kwqd, 5 years ago
      Thanks aura, Kevin, Watchsearcher and bobby725!
    3. kwqd kwqd, 5 years ago
      Thanks for taking a look and loving my milk glass globe jscott0363, Karen and SEAN68!
    4. TallCakes TallCakes, 5 years ago
      found a pinterest link for an out of date ad for The Lamp Goods listed as "Pendant Light of Embossed Vintage Milk Glass Globe" with this globe. multiple listings with and w/o a hardware finial attached show up on WP from old eBay auctions. my guess is that they are fairly recent and possibly import...
    5. kwqd kwqd, 5 years ago
      Thanks Tallcakes! I've had this one since around 1990 from a yard sale in Seattle. Maybe a few years earlier. Might be as new as 1980s..
    6. kwqd kwqd, 5 years ago
      The Lamp Goods Store is still in business and has a web site, . Shades like mine are not in their current inventory but I did find their ad for what looks to be an identical shade. I wonder if this is a case of someone purchasing and reusing old molds? A lot of that went on in the early 2000s. Maybe it still does. Sent Lamp Goods an email to see if they will share where their current milk glass shades are made....
    7. kwqd kwqd, 5 years ago
      Heard back from Lamp Goods Store. They said some milk glass shades made in US and some made "Internationally". Doesn't really help with my shade as it was made before LGS existed, but may be helpful in the future.....
    8. kwqd kwqd, 5 years ago
      Thanks for taking time to look at and love my milk glass globe AnythingObscure, Vynil33rpm, Crazyguy and Lisa!
    9. kwqd kwqd, 5 years ago
      I sent LGS images of my globe they say that their offering was made in the USA but they don't know the maker. So their offering was probably made by some maker using their own, or someone else's, old mold. Possibly made by Fenton, then, since LGS was founded in 2009. Also possibly Corning or Anchor Hocking, though this does not look like their glass to me. Not many options after 2009. It is Fenton quality glass and since LGS discontinued offering it, it makes sense that Fenton may have been the maker since Fenton stopped production in 2011 and mine is 30ish years old.... Thanks to TallCakes for providing the clues that helped to find more information about this piece!
    10. kwqd kwqd, 5 years ago
      Thanks you kivatinitz!
    11. kwqd kwqd, 5 years ago
      Thanks Ms.CrystalShip! I just wish that I had a light fixture for this one! I bought it about 30 years ago because I thought it would fit a fixture in my apartment in a 1920s apartment building, but it was too large and I have been hauling it around ever since. Too nice to toss or donate... It was actually the first piece of glass, and first piece of milk glass, I ever bought. I didn't start collecting glass for another ten years after I bought it. I was riding a motorcycle the day I bought it and had to stuff it down the front of my leather jacket for the ride home!
    12. Bidder115, 4 years ago
      I had two of these myself. I regret selling them now. They are both substantial, and subtle. Real beauties for sure.
    13. kwqd kwqd, 4 years ago
      Thanks for your comments, Bidder115! It is a nice piece of glass. That is why I have been lugging it around for 30+ years without a place to use it! It has traveled at least 3000 miles since I have had it..
    14. zerolfp zerolfp, 3 years ago
      I have been looking for this exact milk glass globe! I recently moved into my great grandmother's home after her passing earlier this year. She and her then husband built this home with their own hands top to bottom in 1975. My husband and I were very fortunate to keep the home within our family and absolutely love it. She had a 3 piece swag light fixture and a sconce with these globes in them, but one of the globes broke years back unfortunately and I am on the hunt for one to complete the set once again! They are so beautiful! For now there is just a regular ole light bulb in the swag fixture amongst the other pretty globes until I find one to put in!
    15. kwqd kwqd, 1 year ago
      Sorry for the late response, zerolfp!! These used to pop up in thrift shops pretty regularly and also on ebay.

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