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Steinschonau glass with Diefenbach and Fidus frieze

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Recent activity1448 of 237900An old Vallerystahl present for mother´s dayHerman Pautsch glass tray schwartzlot and gold
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    Posted 5 years ago

    (344 items)

    Sucha a long time having spare one to publish on CW. Now, with quarantine I found some and want to share the shwartzlot pieces I have. The three were bought at different places and in a long period of time. The first one was my fourth post,
    I had learn a bit more about this type of glass depicting silhouettes and find that the design probably based on a silhouette by Fidus (actually Hugo Höppener 1868-1948) or Karl Wilhelm Diefenbach (1851-1913). In fact the girl that is carried by the three little children is part of Fidus Frühlingslust (Spring joy, from his serie about the four seasons ) 1896, the rest of the characters are very similar to some of “Per aspera ad astra” the complete frieze can be seen here The life of Diefembach and Hopper are very interesting to read. We boutgh this bowl for U$ 25 a year ago at La Gumersinda in La Cumbre, Córdoba. There are other examples on Collectors one of Warren Galle is very similar, the blank has the same shape and characteristics, perhaps similar dimensions and also the characters are a recreation of “Per aspera ad astra”.
    Thanks for looking and any comment is welcome.

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    1. sklo42 sklo42, 5 years ago
      So good to hear from you again....and with such lovely pieces. These silhouettes always show such vitality and joy. Beautiful!
    2. kivatinitz kivatinitz, 5 years ago
      Thanks sklo42. We need this type of joy now. Very nice to have time to be connected again.
    3. Trey Trey, 5 years ago
      Very Fancy :)
    4. Ivonne Ivonne, 5 years ago
      I'm glad you are on CW again!Schwartzlot pieces aren't too frequent here.
    5. jscott0363 jscott0363, 5 years ago
      Wonderful pieces!!!
    6. kivatinitz kivatinitz, 5 years ago
      thanks a lot Trey, Ivonne and J Scotto adore coments
    7. SEAN68 SEAN68, 5 years ago
      very very beautiful new pieces!!
    8. racer4four racer4four, 5 years ago
      I put out my Easter things the other day and one is from Brazil, and even though I know you are not, it made me think of your wonderful things Sylvia. And here you are!
      These are wonderful, and I enjoyed your information on the graphics.
    9. kivatinitz kivatinitz, 5 years ago
      thanks to everybody Deepseas72 Daisy1000 racer4four SEAN68 Brunswick jscott0363 IronLace Ivonne fortapache vetraio50 Wow22 charcoal Watchsearcher larksel Trey sklo42
    10. kivatinitz kivatinitz, 5 years ago
      thanks Inky and Hunter for loving this post
    11. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 5 years ago
      How wonderful is this!
    12. kivatinitz kivatinitz, 5 years ago
      thanks for loving and commenting Elisabethan
    13. kivatinitz kivatinitz, 2 years ago
      thanks so much vcal and Newfld
    14. kivatinitz kivatinitz, 2 years ago
      Vynil33rpm thanks a lot

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