Posted 14 years ago
(1 item)
My grandma and grandpa both lived, married and died in Danville, IL. My grandma was a very cool lady for her time. She drank, smoked, wore pants, cussed and rode her own motorcycle. We have pictures of her in the "40's" with her Indian motorcycle and wearing her Indian leathers (no I dont have them, I wish,) but this jacket also belonged to her and because I ride motorcycles (on the back,) it was given to me when she passed away in her 80's in 1992. Trying to research such an item has been probmatic because really the only information I have is that my grandma used to own it, but it possibly could've been my grandpa's & maybe it was to small so she wore it? Im a size 5 and it's just too big for me to wear, but it's too small for my 6'2" 220 pound husband. Anyway as far as I know she never rode a Harley, just the Indian, but she was maticulous and the jacket is in supreme condition, every snap and zipper works, the faux fir collar is perfect, there's absolutely zero flaws. Im very proud of the fact my grandma rode her own motorcycle and dug her heels in at a time women where "expected" to play a certain role. This jacket is representative of a time when some women were brave enough to brake away from the June Cleaver syndrome.
An awesome looking jacket, way to go grandma!!!
i love it i love this jacket!!!!!
its great to see this.
i know it is 4 years a go but never mind