Posted 14 years ago
(1 item)
Thes 2 toys were my favorite ones. The Texaco Tanker has a motor and took 2 D-cell batteries. My dad bought this at a Texaco station in Highlandville, Mo. It was in the summer in 1961. It would float in water and propel through the water and would slowly fill up an internal reservoir. This would make it appear it was loaded with oil. I have no idea what its worth but it means a lot to me because I enjoyed it in my youth.
The second toy is a Navy Fighter bomber. Made by Hubley this plane is made of metal. The wings fold up and the wheels also fold up into the bottom of the plane. It's amazing that I still have the box that goes with it but it has seen its days. I got this plane from my mom as a reward for being good and brave for going to a dentist that didn't believe in using novacaine. I was 7 years old at the time.
WOW ! neat toys ! I remember playing with the plane but I don't recall ever seeing the ship. Dad was in to aircraft not boats !!!
I saw one of the ships in a shop and they was asking $150.00 that was a few years back. It wasn't in great ship eather If it was a Hess it would be 5 times that much. I haven't ever saw a Hess Ship Tanker
I have one of these Texaco Tankers in mint condition in the box. My Dad got it for me when I was a child and then basically took it from me so I wouldn't bust it all up. Seems kind of weird to take a toy from a child you bought it for, but at least I have it now and it's in mint condition. I finally got to put it in water and try it when I was in my thirties...