Posted 14 years ago
(230 items)
Thaught you might enjoy seeing my recent purchases. The Firestone can is from the late 30s, all 3 cans came from a local monthly antique/garage sale. The lubester came from a local farm/collector. The Martin Schwartz(I think) clock face pump came from a local guy who's father in law used it in his home garage right up to 1981. He had a tank in the gound and would buy bulk gas because it was cheaper that way back in those days. Unfortuneatly about 2 1/2 feet have been cut off the bottom of this pump and the base is missing. I didnt pay much so Im thrilled to get it.
Thanks oilman514, tommy1002, stonesfan1 and officialfuel.
I almost wish I didn't read this... I was excited at first when I seen the clockface gas pump then I started reading... the rest is history. The person who did that that should be on America's Most
MMM Thanks for checking this out, it dosnt make sense, they also took 2" off the top section and mounted it upside down!
cant believe i havent seen this pict. before! MMM & i will go hunt that villan down & cut two feet off of the bottom of him!
Thanks Mikie... but he's probably looking down on us from above laughing!