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malkey the omega man 1412 special for c w gang army of lovers KRALIK CORRUGATED IRIDESCENT GLASS VASE

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Ted_Straub's loves150 of 2896malkeys inner space   objet d'art   rindskopf  red  &  aventurine art glass    succession-est  copper overlay thanks larksel malkey the omega man 1412 = john arkle cobalt blue hamilton morpeth  george & dragon trade mark  plus jobling elephant
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    Posted 5 years ago

    (429 items)

    malkey the omega man 1412 special for c w gang army of lovers
    photographs piccys taken dawn on the tyne today 26 th april 2020 year time 5.15 am approximately
    we journey to special destinations vague
    do we understand from the very start not [the] likely lads' or girls
    geordie reference to drama 1970s years
    The Likely Lads is a British sitcom created and written by Dick Clement and Ian La Frenais
    lets make some dreams a reality before we hit the ground
    lace my body with a romance of lalique perfume
    as a teenager would dow's with channel lemon scent
    parade through fenwicks bainbridges department isle of heavenly odours
    free to a poor uneducated church moose called blue = malkey
    yes in the early 1970s
    eye would put gold black boxes of cigarettes down me trousers
    for the older boyes & girls 17- 18 they were so worldly wise
    they said the older girls 17- 18
    i twas pretty but i twas only five
    piccy 2 eye thought it was a bus
    then to malkey the omega man 1412 surprise indeedy = black maria police van
    well i never !!!!!!!!!!!
    they just gave a wink and carried on into the dawn
    of newcastle upon tyne the quayside
    as ever c w gang army of lovers you gave malkey shelter
    piccy 3 malkey's driving boots Ferrari puma
    well i do drive = people up the wall
    anyway dont mean to
    its just a special knack
    malkey the the omega 1412 blessed in some strange ways
    ummmmm a selfie & i must point out the reason for taking photographs of malkey
    one reason for my children
    when i,m gone
    so they have some trace of their daddy
    malkey blue frenchurch lestat legras
    so the fairy tale carrys forth
    to the banks of the tyne
    lots of love from a strawberry blonde air head malkey
    love ya c w gang army of lovers xxxxxxxxxxx eleven = 11
    26 th april 2020 year 6. 30 am
    off to me bed in the sky
    god bless non believers & believers XXXXXXXXXXX *********** XXXXXXXXXXX

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    1. Newfld Newfld, 5 years ago
      Awesome swirl vase, it looks like a dream against the gorgeous evening sky, and as always your photos are spectacular
    2. Sammyz Sammyz, 5 years ago
      Wonderful MALKEY!
    3. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 5 years ago
      Always something beautiful to look at and interesting, entertaining, thought-provoking, imagination-inspiring to read.
    4. Bambus1920 Bambus1920, 5 years ago
      Super vase, Malkey, but wasn't the 'Likely Lads' set in the "Latin Quarter" of Doncaster?

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