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Duncan & Miller opalescent/pink #115 vase

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Art Glass2568 of 22787Three Vases Spanning Three Lotton GenerationsVictorian pink & green striped spatter glass basket with thorn handle
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    Posted 5 years ago

    (1207 items)

    This little vase is 4" high and 4" in diameter across the top. It is thick, heavy glass. The top is white opalescent glass and the base is pink/red clear glass. It appears to have been molded, but no mold lines are visible. It has six lobes at the base which turn into six sides of the top. It is well made and finished. I had a few dollars left in my April budget and I like opalescent glass, so..... Thanks to TallCakes for pinning down the identification as Duncan & Miller Canterbury #115, which was made 1939-1955.

    Mystery Solved
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    1. Vynil33rpm Vynil33rpm, 5 years ago
      Very Nice
    2. TallCakes TallCakes, 5 years ago
      certainly looks like Duncan & Miller #115 Canterbury
    3. kwqd kwqd, 5 years ago
      @Vynil33rpm - Thanks!

      @TallCakes - Thanks TallCakes! I trust your assessment!

      Thanks for taking time to look at my little D&M vase PhilDMorris, Broochman, Cokeman1959 and Vynil33rpm!
    4. kwqd kwqd, 5 years ago
      Thanks Kevin and Jenni!
    5. kwqd kwqd, 5 years ago
      Thanks for taking a look at my little Duncan & Miller vase blunderbuss2 and aura!
    6. kwqd kwqd, 5 years ago
      Thanks fortapache!
    7. kwqd kwqd, 5 years ago
      @Ms.CrystalShip - Thanks for your comment, Eileen! The visual effect is altered when the piece is handled as it is a thick, heavy piece of glass, reminiscent of a shot glass! Taller examples of this vase are thinner and more delicate, though.

      Thanks for loving my Duncan Miller vase Thomas, Eileen, AdeleC and MALKEY!
    8. kwqd kwqd, 4 years ago
      Thanks Jenni and dlpetersen!

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