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Jonette Jewelry, to complement recent post by Daisy1000

In Costume Jewelry > Show & Tell.
Costume Jewelry1522 of 9178The Goldenized Early 1950s — Necklace, EarringsEarly 20th Cent. Austro-Hungarian Rhinestone Brooch
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    Posted 5 years ago

    (88 items)

    The recent post by Daisy1000 immediately caught my eye because I have 2 of the Jonette Jewelry “face” brooches.

    Since one had a broken clasp, I made it into a necklace and made some matching earrings while I was at it.
    I rarely wear brooches so this one will be more useful to me as a necklace.

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    1. Daisy1000 Daisy1000, 5 years ago
      Thanks for posting, Watchsearcher. Your repurposing is excellent. Love it! Love all pieces, actually.
    2. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 5 years ago
      So many loves! Thank you all:

      Daisy, I’m glad you approve! Maybe I will come across the matching “face” earrings someday like the ones you showed.

      Eileen, thank you for the compliment about the JJ pieces!
      There has been so much color in the yard, I just wind up staying outside all day. Some flowers fade away, but no sadness there because something else is opening up in it’s place. Iris growing with Money Plant, clematis vines, roses, azaleas, creeping phlox, Gerber daisies have taken over the scene right now. My most strenuous job has been getting a vegetable garden started...but even that is a “good time” (in my warped mind)! ;-)
      Thanks for asking!

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