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Artful Hunting Knife, Antique Seceratary, Antique Photos

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    Posted 5 years ago

    (37 items)

    #1 This is knife flintknapped by Mike Cook, a friend of mine. He was interested in one of my art pieces so we did a swap. Love this piece. The blade is knapped from Australian stone called Mookite, the handle is birch.
    #2 This secretary belonged to my Great Grand Parents. Not sure of the manufacturer or the age. Help with info if you can. I store die cast cars, family photos, beatles records etc. in it.
    #3 This is a photo of my Great Grand Parents, Fred and Flossie. Probably taken in the early 60's. I remember them both.
    #4 This is a photo of my of my dad Gerald (center), my Aunt Yolonda ("Lonnie"), and uncle Frederick (left). I love these early color photos, my dad appears to be 2 or 3 years old, which puts this photo around 1935-36.

    Mystery Solved


    1. Congcu, 5 years ago
      Re: Secretary. Put Larkin Desk into your search engine. Lots of info.
    2. Skipuppy Skipuppy, 5 years ago
      Thanks for the info Congu.
    3. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 5 years ago
      I love it all!
    4. Skipuppy Skipuppy, 5 years ago
      Thanks for the love Watchsearcher!

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