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Antique amber bead necklace

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Amber Jewelry10 of 121Vintage amber necklace Amber necklaces
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    Posted 5 years ago

    (284 items)

    This is a graduating amber bead necklace that I think is nice. All the beads are individuall with various shades but over all it is quite light in color which it is because it has a lot of gasses and oxygen in it. I was not sure this was amber since I had not seen one of this sort in real life but as I held int in my hand it felt like real amber, light and easily warmed by my hand. It also passes the saltwater test and the electrostatic test so I am fairly fonfident now that this is the right kind.
    The necklace is 25 cm long (so double from clasp to clasp) and weighs 26 grams. The largest bead is 2 cm and the smallest 0,7 cm.

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    1. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 5 years ago
      Thanks. These I found at a small new fleemarket. They were hanging on a rack with vintage necklaces that were all priced the same low price. I asked for the price thinking they were hanging in the wrong place, but the lady insisted they were the same price. I thought either they don't understand anything about vintage/antique jewelry or this is older plastic but still worth buying. I came home and could hold them in the light and do a few tests and there I had the answer. I am not surpriced to find the chip kind of amber necklace because you see a lot of them second hand but the oval beads one I haven't seen. It is very surpricing to me that you could not find amber here? It is not sold every where but I would think every fine jewelry shop has some and in the old town in Stockholm there must be at least 2 shops I can think of specialist in amber? I have seen them but have never gone inside. I have never been to Poland but an american family I know well lived there for years and they told me there was a large market for amber there. They brought me several amber pieces as a gift. You must just have been unlucky Mary and didn't find the right shops? I think there are a lot of plastic out there trying to look like the natural thing so one has to be aware and examine.
    2. vintagelamp vintagelamp, 5 years ago
    3. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 5 years ago
      Thank you Vintagelamp!
    4. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 5 years ago
      I see, how disappointing. Better to wait for a vintage one. Hope it comes your way soon! XOXO.

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