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malkeys outer space paul nicholas france cameo vase glass tyne river swing bridge high level bridge tyne bridge hilton hotel

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Art Glass3415 of 23514Vintage marblesSugahara Craft Glass bud vase
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    Posted 5 years ago

    (429 items)

    malkeys outer space paul nicholas france cameo vase glass tyne river swing bridge high level bridge tyne bridge hilton hotel tyne view
    art nouveau glass cameo vase paul nicholas french france to art deco d'argental cameo glass vase
    hilton hotel gateshead took malkey to the gym did daisy my psychiatric nurse
    from deepest africa
    the lady was as bright as the sunburst at the beginning enormous ever so large
    malkey would retort the big bang uummm theory for thee well educated learned people of the human race
    unfortunately malkey the omega man joan of arc woman of dragons
    daenerys targaryen of dragonstone throne of no choice malkey fate
    born today malkey the omega man 1412 daenerys shocking huge dragon is released
    into malkeys newcastle vault
    malkey has not heard from crisis psychiatric team
    doc carlisle psychiatrist
    and last spoke on that new fandango invention the telephone and other mental health team newcastle upon tyne
    malkey my new psychiatric nurse since after 22 nd of march
    however this is not the fault of newcastle upon tyne psychiatric team crisis mental health
    on the mental health high risk judgement official order = BLUE
    malkey blue new when moved from gateshead psychiatric care that was brilliant kind loving did rescue malkey
    newcastle larger however total underfunded
    & all you hear on the television is absolute nonsense and a lie
    blue malkey confused why they say these things on the bbc world network
    yet malkey is fine lonely yes have not been close to human being in 3 months
    but you learn from the past locked up section in mental hospital sunderland secure mental health facility
    then set free and i,am only a danger to malkey
    lots of love army of lovers c w gang xxxxxxxxxxx eleven
    blue malkey ever so happy and in the pink that surounds poor church mouse uneducated
    blue malkey air head strawberry blonde is ever so glad to be with you cw gang army of lovers
    the omega man all the world to show collectors weekly the haven for the shy nervous easily hurt malkey
    5 th may 2020 year malkey will see you all through these strange difficult times if i,m allowed to lover ya

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    1. Newfld Newfld, 5 years ago
      Beautiful cameo vase & photos, love them!
    2. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 5 years ago
      Absolutely gorgeous vase and night photo !~
    3. kwqd kwqd, 5 years ago
      Take care my friend. I always enjoy reading your posts. We have the same sky here, minus any blue or yellow! Luckily, I lived in Seattle for many years, so gray skies are nostalgic and comforting.
    4. racer4four racer4four, 5 years ago
      Malkey as ever, I am impressed!
      Beautiful glass and photos.

      Keep on my friend.
    5. MALKEY MALKEY, 5 years ago
      Malkey from Saint George's hospital blue Malkey been here since 18th may 2020 year c w army of lovers Malkey will be back blue woman of 2 pink

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