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A. Ruckl Shimmy Pfau Orange and Cobalt Satin Base Spatter Large Glass Bowl Cobalt Glass Handles

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Bohemian Art Glass693 of 6681Pair Welz three ball footed vases in burnt orange mica decorUK Victorian decorative objects catalog and how much they can be useful: Silber & Fleming 1898 Trade Journal, 368 pages
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    Posted 5 years ago

    (369 items)

    This is my Ruckl version of a large table centerpiece Art Deco Tango inspired decor bowl, called and documented as 'shimmy pfau'. We do have some documentation about Ruckl courtesy of the Truitt's Bohemian glass Books.

    Kralik also produced these, in a spatter with black glass handles, documented in the Butler Brothers catalog assortment offers. Plus the Tango Sklo exhibits had a large flat bowl with straight sides produced by Ruckl, in the same decor, Image 4.

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    1. Newfld Newfld, 5 years ago
      Gorgeous bowl with handles such a lovely style, looks great with your other beautiful pieces
    2. truthordare truthordare, 5 years ago
      Thank you Jenni, it is a substantial piece of glass with 4 layers.

      No problem Eileen, I don't remember names and my eyes are no longer very good as well as my fingers,,,, ha ha ha.
    3. truthordare truthordare, 5 years ago
      Thank you for all the loves, much appreciated CW members.

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