Posted 5 years ago
(16 items)
Help. Totally new area for me! I know someone out there will point me in the right direction.
This little picture is 3" in diameter. On the backside there are 4 screws with caps, like the backs of earrings.
I am guessing a brooch? I'm not even sure which category to chose.
Porcelain. Two young girls and inscription on back.
Any insight or advice is appreciated. TIA
UPDATE due to your help and expertise!
"F. Graf s’m E. Leiner z fr Eng 1857." I've learned the "z fr Eng" is "zur freundliche Erinnerung " meaning "for a friendly memory" and perhaps date of August 1st, 1857
The 4 points with attachments similar to an earring back, may lead one to a ribbon or sash brooch.
zur freundliche Erinnerung = z. fr. Erg
So your guess is right about German.
The Roman letters suggest a date to me: 1st August 1857.
Thank you vetraio50! Do you recognize the symbol/letter between the 18 and 57?
I think it might well be the artist's signature.
Ms. Crystalship, it is beautiful isn't it? It came from an aunt whose husband's mother was a collector. Soooo, not sure what to call it. Trying to do research I've learned there was a painter at that time Franz Graf, but see no signature. The "s'm" may be an abbreviation for "to his". I am not sure where to go from here. Do you have thoughts about the best place to have it appraised and to sell?