Posted 14 years ago
(1 item)
picked this past weekend in SD Ca. I know the handle bars dont belong on it we were picking at friends parents garage and there it was dont know to much about it but would like to also if anyone knows what it is worth please let me know Thanks "San Diego Mike"
This is so cool i will post more pics soon i also picked a 1972 Honda175 Scambler in great condition 3200 miles runs sweat also some really cool old school breif cases and old cowboy hat and boot suit case will be back soon thanks
Score! This is most-likely a 1938-39 Roadmaster. looks great.
Oops, I forgot to mention the price...
Depends on what someone is willing to pay of course but at least 300.
Your rear drop stand will get you 100 alone. Cant see the rear fender but if you have a glass reflector it could be valuable. Lose the pedals and tires, they are wrong =)
Repeating my comment that was deleted I know what this bike really is and would like to buy it from you!!! I live in San Diego LET ME KNOW!!!