Posted 5 years ago
(1778 items)
YES YES y'all -- yet more happy puppy snapshots from today, I hope y'all aren't getting tired of 'em as much as I'm also finding myself (oddly enough) more enamored than ever that Oreo got randomly dropped into my life...? :-)
Here she's pictured playing with Devon, a visiting friend that happened to also be hanging around in the front yard earlier when Oreo and I returned from our now routine walk around the block we do every evening. I sat in the lawn chair and sipped on a bourbon, he otherwise helped to burn off even more of Oreo's inherent 'energy' (including an extra run halfway back up the block and back) before she ultimately got returned to her dinner in the backyard. (and me back into the house) She seemed to enjoy it all most enthusiastically!! ;-)
Hmmm...mebbe this whole 'dog person' thing ain't completely bad after all, but I still love my Woda kitty just a little bit betterer, if only because he curls up w/me in the bed every night...?? <LOL>
[see also:]
I love her from here!!