Posted 5 years ago
(1778 items)
Here's ADLAKE railroad signal lamp #3. It is about 18" tall w/handle, 14" for its body itself, and is roughly 7" around in general, closer to 9-1/2" at its widest across lenses. It features a pair of green and one red 5" fresnel lenses, (pic 3, looking thru the inside) once again any original burner that might have been inside is long gone. Its backside (pic 2) is interesting that it features a sliding door (with small sight glass) that can be raised to service the lamp that used to be in there. One other unusual feature (pic 4) is that one side of its top is stamped "RIGHT" above one of its green lenses.
Like the others I don't have any actual idea of what exact purpose it might have been used originally, though with the lack of any sort of 'bracket' (and that whole "RIGHT" designation thing) I would guess it was probably a mostly 'hand-held' device, at least...??