Posted 5 years ago
(1778 items)
A couple quick pics of these, since I had to otherwise move 'em out of my way for something else this afternoon -- so why not take 'em out to the carport, dust 'em off, and show 'em off too...??? ;-) :-) :-)
These are two old wire "telephone stands", probably 1950's vintage or so, originally designed as often ubiquitous little things in many people's homes then, which otherwise held the old-fashioned (by today's standard that is) actual 'plug into the wall with a real wire, a rotary dial, and separate handset with its own coily-cord wire' telephone set -- also a shelf on the bottom to hold the (again old-fashioned by today's standard) "phone book".
These two came, IIRC, from Mother Louise's and Cousin Grant's homes respectively, when I happened to be present for at least part of their 'cleanouts' and was thus able to speak up and say "YEAH, I want that" when nobody else did... <LOL>
Mother Louise's is on the left, with a painted (?) goldish color finish, also bearing a few 'war marks' in one wire missing and one other broken away (at one end) of its lower shelf, (maybe also a wire or two missing from its top shelf, or not, I should look closer?) while Cousin Grant's is black painted and has a little brass-tone-ish medallion on its front side, and with additional little round 'feet' at the bottom of its legs.
They measure about 21-1/2" and 22-3'4" tall respectively, both roughly 10" x 7" overall such to hold an old 'desk style' telephone model of whatever exact shape/size/or age.
Great piece of long time gone, I agree for time range 50s-60s, i repurposed them as plant stand.
There both beautiful.