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Ernst Steinwald & Co. - decor Flowerall

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    Posted 5 years ago

    (131 items)

    This is my vase, which I always thought was from the production of the W. Kralik glassworks (the decor was referred to by collectors as "Marquetry"). Based on recent information, it is clear that the manufacturer of this vase was the glassworks Ernst Steinwadl & Co. Teplice. This is the Flowerall decor (see the third photo), which is mentioned in connection with the Steinwald glasworks in several documents from the 1930s. In the last photo, a vase in Bamboo decor is added to the Flowerall vase for comparison. It is obvious that the Bambus decor was also made by the Ernst Steinwald glassworks.
    The shape of the Flowerall vase corresponds to the shape from the Buttler catalog (there in the Bambus) - see:

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    1. charcoal charcoal, 5 years ago
      Outstanding research!
    2. Alan2310 Alan2310, 5 years ago
      Great detectives work, Aleš, I admired your tenacity on your glass research and deserve this reward.
    3. kralik1928 kralik1928, 5 years ago
      I will look to compliment your theory in an upcoming post on specifically on marquetry. We seem to have a strong connection on a few shapes to ES&Co and analyzing decor types within marquetry might give us a dividing line (like there may be in caged pieces) but it might conclude that all marquetry were made in ES&Co as well. Fantastic work Aleš
    4. truthordare truthordare, 5 years ago
      very interesting Ales, now I am wondering, did these decors have 2 names, flowerall and bambus, with and without flowers, but with the same foliage or plants leaves?
    5. larksel larksel, 5 years ago
      I think the Flowerall decor was in several variants. In my opinion, this is one of the variants in combination with the Bambus decor.
    6. kralik1928 kralik1928, 5 years ago
      It is yet to be determined if all colors of Bambus pattern Bambus, in the samemarquetry might not be flowerall. Just a few years back Bambus was called flame decor; it may take some time to call all marquetry flowerall since only three have been seen signed.

      In the upcoming post I will look into combinations of decors and decor features...I have already segmented them into surface textures (flashed, glossy, satin amber and crystal clear). There are some amazing things coming from ES&Co- until this year I only remember one mention of them in a Czech book and no other mentions from European auctions, web sights, books or museums.
    7. Wow22, 5 years ago
      I am following this development with much excitement. Thanks so much for sharing the information.

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